You can use Tiptap with Laravel, Livewire, Inertia.js, Alpine.js, Tailwind CSS, and even - yes you read that right - inside PHP.

We provide an official PHP package to work with Tiptap content. You can transform Tiptap-compatible JSON to HTML, and the other way around, sanitize your content, or just modify it.

Laravel Livewire


  In your livewire component you could add an
  autosave method to handle saving the content
  from the editor every 10 seconds if you wanted
<x-editor wire:model="foo" wire:poll.10000ms="autosave"></x-editor>


The .defer modifier is no longer available in Livewire v3 as updating the state is deferred by default. Use the .live modifier if you need to update the state server-side as it changes.


    $wire.entangle('{{ $attributes->wire('model')->value() }}').defer
  x-init="() => init($refs.editor)"
  {{ $attributes->whereDoesntStartWith('wire:model') }}
  <div x-ref="editor"></div>


import { Editor } from '@tiptap/core'
import StarterKit from '@tiptap/starter-kit'

window.setupEditor = function (content) {
  let editor

  return {
    content: content,

    init(element) {
      editor = new Editor({
        element: element,
        extensions: [StarterKit],
        content: this.content,
        onUpdate: ({ editor }) => {
          this.content = editor.getHTML()

      this.$watch('content', (content) => {
        // If the new content matches TipTap's then we just skip.
        if (content === editor.getHTML()) return

          Otherwise, it means that a force external to TipTap
          is modifying the data on this Alpine component,
          which could be Livewire itself.
          In this case, we just need to update TipTap's
          content and we're good to do.
          For more information on the `setContent()` method, see:
        editor.commands.setContent(content, false)