Typography extension


This extension tries to help with common text patterns with the correct typographic character. Under the hood all rules are input rules.


npm install @tiptap/extension-typography


emDashConverts double dashes -- to an emdash .
ellipsisConverts three dots ... to an ellipsis character
openDoubleQuoteSmart” opening double quotes.
closeDoubleQuote“Smart closing double quotes.
openSingleQuoteSmart’ opening single quotes.
closeSingleQuote‘Smart closing single quotes.
leftArrowConverts <- to an arrow .
rightArrowConverts -> to an arrow .
copyrightConverts (c) to a copyright sign ©.
registeredTrademarkConverts (r) to registered trademark sign ®.
trademarkConverts (tm) to registered trademark sign .
servicemarkConverts (sm) to registered trademark sign .
oneHalfConverts 1/2 to one half ½.
oneQuarterConverts 1/4 to one quarter ¼.
threeQuartersConverts 3/4 to three quarters ¾.
plusMinusConverts +/- to plus/minus sign ±.
notEqualConverts != to a not equal sign .
laquoConverts << to left-pointing double angle quotation mark «.
raquoConverts >> to right-pointing double angle quotation mark ».
multiplicationConverts 2*3 or 2x3 to a multiplcation sign 2×3.
superscriptTwoConverts ^2 a superscript two ².
superscriptThreeConverts ^3 a superscript three ³.

Keyboard shortcuts


Source code


Disabling rules

You can configure the included rules, or even disable a few of them, like shown below.

import { Editor } from '@tiptap/core'
import Typography from '@tiptap/extension-typography'

const editor = new Editor({
  extensions: [
    // Disable some included rules
      oneHalf: false,
      oneQuarter: false,
      threeQuarters: false,

Overriding rules

You can override the output of a rule by passing a string to the option you want to override.

import { Editor } from '@tiptap/core'
import Typography from '@tiptap/extension-typography'

const editor = new Editor({
  extensions: [
    // Disable some included rules
      oneHalf: '1 / 2', // this will insert "1 / 2" instead of the default "½"