Node Positions

Node Positions ( NodePos) are a concept introduced with Tiptap 2.2.0. They are used to describe a specific position of a node, it's children, it's parent and easy ways to navigate between them. They are heavily inspired by the DOM and are based on Prosemirror's ResolvedPos implementation.

Use Node Positions

The easiest way to create a new Node Position is to use the helper functions added to the Editor instance. This way you always use the correct editor instance and have direct access to the API.

// set up your editor somewhere up here

// The NodePosition for the outermost document node
const $doc = editor.$doc

// This will get all nodes with the type 'heading' currently found in the document
const $headings = editor.$nodes('heading')

// You can also combine this to filter by attributes
const $h1 = editor.$nodes('heading', { level: 1 })

// You can also pick nodes directly:
const $firstHeading = editor.$node('heading', { level: 1 })

// If you don't know the type but the position you want to work with, you can create a new NodePos via the $pos method
const $myCustomPos = editor.$pos(30)

You can also create your own NodePos instances:

// You need to have an editor instance
// and a position you want to map to
const myNodePos = new NodePos(100, editor)

What can I do with a NodePos?

NodePos can be used to traverse the document similar to the document DOM of your browser. You can access the parent node, child nodes and the sibling nodes. Here are an example of what you can do with a codeBlock node:

// get the first codeBlock from your document
const $codeBlock = editor.$node('codeBlock')

// get the previous NodePos of your codeBlock node
const $previousItem = $codeBlock.before

// easily update the content
$previousItem.content = '<p>Updated content</p>'

If you are familiar with the DOM the following example should look familiar to you:

// get a bullet list from your doc
const $bulletList = editor.$node('bulletList')

// get all listItems from your bulletList
const $listItems = $bulletList.querySelectorAll('listItem')

// get the last listItem
const $lastListItem = $listItems[0]

// insert a new listItem after the last one
editor.commands.insertContentAt($lastListItem.after, '<li>New item</li>')



The NodePos class is the main class you will work with. It is used to describe a specific position of a node, it's children, it's parent and easy ways to navigate between them. They are heavily inspired by the DOM and are based on Prosemirror's ResolvedPos implementation.




  • pos – The position you want to map to
  • editor – The editor instance you want to use

Returns NodePos

const myNodePos = new NodePos(100, editor)

The closest NodePos instance of your NodePosition going up the depth. If there is no matching NodePos, it will return null.

Returns NodePos | null

const closest = myNodePos.closest('bulletList')

The first matching NodePos instance of your NodePosition going down the depth. If there is no matching NodePos, it will return null.

You can also filter by attributes via the second attribute.

Returns NodePos | null

const firstHeading = myNodePos.querySelector('heading')
const firstH1 = myNodePos.querySelector('heading', { level: 1 })

All matching NodePos instances of your NodePosition going down the depth. If there is no matching NodePos, it will return an empty array.

You can also filter by attributes via the second attribute.

Returns Array<NodePos>

const headings = myNodePos.querySelectorAll('heading')
const h1s = myNodePos.querySelectorAll('heading', { level: 1 })

Set attributes on the current NodePos.

Returns NodePos

myNodePos.setAttribute({ level: 1 })



The Prosemirror Node at the current Node Position.

Returns Node

const node = myNodePos.node // 'paragraph'

The DOM element at the current Node Position.

Returns Element

const element = myNodePos.element
element.tagName // 'P'

The content of your NodePosition. This can be set to a new value to update the content of the node.

Returns string

const content = myNodePos.content
myNodePos.content = '<p>Updated content</p>'

The attributes of your NodePosition.

Returns Object

const attributes = myNodePos.attributes
attributes.level // 1

The text content of your NodePosition.

Returns string

const textContent = myNodePos.textContent

The depth of your NodePosition.

Returns number

const depth = myNodePos.depth

The position of your NodePosition.

Returns number

const pos = myNodePos.pos

The size of your NodePosition.

Returns number

const size = myNodePos.size

The from position of your NodePosition.

Returns number

const from = myNodePos.from

The to position of your NodePosition.

Returns number

const to =

The range of your NodePosition.

Returns number

const range = myNodePos.range

The parent NodePos of your NodePosition.

Returns NodePos

const parent = myNodePos.parent

The NodePos before your NodePosition. If there is no NodePos before, it will return null.

Returns NodePos | null

const before = myNodePos.before

The NodePos after your NodePosition. If there is no NodePos after, it will return null.

Returns NodePos | null

const after = myNodePos.after

The child NodePos instances of your NodePosition.

Returns Array<NodePos>

const children = myNodePos.children

The first child NodePos instance of your NodePosition. If there is no child, it will return null.

Returns NodePos | null

const firstChild = myNodePos.firstChild

The last child NodePos instance of your NodePosition. If there is no child, it will return null.

Returns NodePos | null

const lastChild = myNodePos.lastChild