
To persist the documents you must instruct the server to:

  1. Store the document in the onStoreDocument hook (which is the same as the onChange but with debounce already configured).
  2. Load the document from the database using the onLoadDocument hook.

Actually, you don't even have to use those 2 hooks! We have already created on top of them a simple abstraction in the form of a database extension.

However, in case you are a curious mind, here is an example of what it would be like to do it with hooks (It can be a good way to familiarize yourself with the concepts).

import { debounce } from "debounce";
import { Server } from "@hocuspocus/server";
import { Doc } from "yjs";

let debounced;

const server = new Server({
  async onStoreDocument(data) {
    // Save to database. Example:
    // saveToDatabase(data.document, data.documentName);

  async onLoadDocument(data): Doc {
    return loadFromDatabase(data.documentName) || createInitialDocTemplate();


function createInitialDocTemplate() {
  return new Doc();
  // do anything you want here

FAQ: In what format should I save my document?

In Uint8Array, which is the format that Yjs encodes its documents. You can persist your documents additionally in another format like JSON if for some reason you want to.

Note: Do not be tempted to store the Y.Doc as JSON and recreate it as YJS binary when the user connects. This will cause issues with merging of updates and content will duplicate on new connections. The data must be stored as binary to make use of the YJS format.