Authentication & Authorization
With the onAuthenticate
hook you can check if a client is authenticated and authorized to view the current document. In a real world application this would probably be a request to an API, a database query or something else.
When throwing an error or rejecting the returned Promise, the connection to the client will be terminated (see server hooks lifecycle). If the client is authorized and authenticated you can also return contextual data such as a user id which will be accessible in other hooks. But you don’t need to.
For more information on the hook and its payload, check out its section.
import { Server } from "@hocuspocus/server";
const server = new Server({
async onAuthenticate(data) {
const { token } = data;
// Example test if a user is authenticated with a token passed from the client
if (token !== "super-secret-token") {
throw new Error("Not authorized!");
// You can set contextual data to use it in other hooks
return {
user: {
id: 1234,
name: "John",
On the client you would pass the "token" parameter as one of the Hocuspocus options, like so:
new HocuspocusProvider({
url: "ws://",
name: "example-document",
document: ydoc,
token: "super-secret-token",
Read only mode
If you want to restrict the current user only to read the document and its updates but not apply
updates themselves, you can use the connection
property in the onAuthenticate
hooks payload:
import { Server } from "@hocuspocus/server";
const usersWithWriteAccess = ["jane", "john", "christina"];
const server = new Server({
async onAuthenticate(data): Doc {
// Example code to check if the current user has write access by a
// request parameter. In a real world application you would probably
// get the user by a token from your database
if (!usersWithWriteAccess.includes(data.requestParameters.get("user"))) {
// Set the connection to readonly
data.connection.readOnly = true;