Show AI Suggestions in your editor

The AI Suggestion extension analyzes the document and shows suggestions that users can accept and reject. It works out-of-the-box with Content AI Cloud, and can be easily extended to work with your own backend and LLMs.

Subscription required

This extension requires a valid´ subscription. To install the extension, you need access to our private registry.


How It Works

The AI Suggestion extension uses Tiptap Cloud's OpenAI models (or your custom backend) to generate proofreading suggestions from your rules and the editor's content. The extension covers both the client and server-side implementations. Here is the user experience:

  1. When the editor loads, the AI Suggestion extension generates suggestions based on its initial content and rules.
  2. If the user edits the rules or content, the extension's suggestions are updated in real-time.
  3. The user can review and accept suggestions, or reject them.
  4. When a suggestion is accepted, the editor's content is updated with the new text.