How to use Tiptap Pro extensions?

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Tiptap Pro extensions add advanced capabilities to the Tiptap Editor such as versioning and AI-assisted content generation. A Tiptap account is required to access Pro extensions. Select extensions such as Collaboration History, Comments, and the AI extension also require an active subscription.

To install Pro Extensions you authenticate to the private Tiptap NPM registry with a Tiptap Pro authentication token. You can configure credentials for your package manager on a per-project basis, or set them globally for CI/CD environments.

Security warning

Treat your authentication tokens like passwords to prevent unauthorized use. Each Tiptap user has a unique authentication token that does not expire. We recommend creating a dedicated user for CI/CD applications.

Configure per-project authentication

  1. Get your Tiptap Pro authentication token from
  2. Add the Tiptap private registry to the package manager configuration file in the root directory of your project.

For npm, pnpm, or Yarn Classic (Yarn 1), add the registry to .npmrc.


If you are using Yarn Modern (Yarn 2+), add the registry to .yarnrc.yml.

   npmAlwaysAuth: true
   npmRegistryServer: ""
   npmAuthToken: ${TIPTAP_PRO_TOKEN}


You can specify the authentication token directly or using an environment variable as shown (recommended).

  1. Add the configuration file to the project's .gitignore file to prevent it from being checked into your source code repository.


This is essential to avoid leaking your credentials if you specify the authentication token directly in the configuration file.

Once you've configured authentication for a project, you can install Pro Extensions like any other Editor extension.

If you use environment variables, pass the authentication token during installation:

TIPTAP_PRO_TOKEN=actual-auth-token npm install --save @tiptap-pro/extension-unique-id

Configure global authentication

You can set up authentication once for all of your projects by updating the package manager configuration file at the user level. This is useful for CI/CD environments.

  1. Get your Tiptap Pro authentication token from
  2. Add the Tiptap private registry to the package manager configuration.

Yarn Classic, npm

npm config set "@tiptap-pro:registry"

Yarn Modern

yarn config set --home npmScopes.@tiptap-pro.npmRegistryServer ""
yarn config set --home npmScopes.@tiptap-pro.npmAlwaysAuth "true"


pnpm config set --global "@tiptap-pro:registry"
  1. Add your authentication token to the package manager configuration.

Yarn Classic, npm

npm config set "//" actual-auth-token

Yarn Modern

yarn config set --home npmScopes.@tiptap-pro.npmAuthToken "actual-auth-token"


pnpm config set "//" actual-auth-token

Once you've configured authentication, you can install Tiptap Pro extensions like any other extension:

npm install --save @tiptap-pro/extension-unique-id