Integrate document history

This extension introduces a document version history feature. With it, you have the flexibility to manually or automatically generate document versions.

Not only can you restore previous iterations, but you can also derive new versions from older ones.

Public Demo

The content of this editor is shared with other users.


Set up access to Tiptap’s private repository

Gain access to this pro extension by registering for a free Tiptap account and following our access guide to Tiptap’s private repository.

npm install @tiptap-pro/extension-collaboration-history @hocuspocus/transformer

Note: The @hocuspocus/transformer package is required for transforming Y.js binary to Tiptap JSON content. The package also requires a Y.js installation which is required for collaboration. If you don't have it installed, run npm install yjs in your project. This should automatically happen if you are using NPM (as it automatically resolves peer dependencies).


onUpdatefunction() => {}

Auto versioning

Auto versioning is a feature that automatically creates new versions of your document at regular intervals. This ensures that you have a comprehensive history of changes without manual intervention.

You can toggle this feature using the toggleVersioning command (it's disabled by default).

When auto versioning is enabled, new versions are created at regular intervals (30 seconds by default, only if the document has changed). Note that this can create quite a lot of versions, so you might want to increase the interval. To customize the interval, you can do the following:

// Set the interval (in seconds) between auto versions
const ydoc = provider.configuration.document
ydoc.getMap<number>('__tiptapcollab__config').set('intervalSeconds', 900)


currentVersionnumberThe current version.
lastSavedDateThe last saved timestamp
latestVersionnumberThe latest version.
providerTiptapCollabProviderThe Collaboration provider instance
statusstringThe status of the provider - can be connecting, connected or disconnected
syncedbooleanIs the version history synced with the server
versioningEnabledbooleanIs versioning enabled
versionsarray<Version>The array of versions that are stored in the history.


saveVersionCreates a new version with a given title
toggleVersioningToggles auto versioning for this document
revertToVersionRevert to a specific version, can create a new revert version with optional title


Basic Setup

const provider = new TiptapCollabProvider({
  // ...

const editor = new Editor({
  // ...
  extensions: [
    // ...

Store version updates

In this example we retrieve the data of a version update and save it into a variable

let currentVersion = 0
let latestVersion = 0
let autoversioningEnabled = false
let versions = []

const provider = new TiptapCollabProvider({
  // ...

const editor = new Editor({
  // ...
  extensions: [
    // ...
      onUpdate(payload) {
        currentVersion = payload.currentVersion
        latestVersion = payload.version
        versions = payload.versions
        autoversioningEnabled = payload.autoVersioning

Access version data directly from storage

const provider = new TiptapCollabProvider({
  // ...

const editor = new Editor({
  // ...
  extensions: [
    // ...

const latestVersion =
const currentVersion =
const versions =
const autoversioningEnabled =

Create a new version manually

editor.commands.saveVersion('My new custom version')

Toggle autoversioning on document


Revert with version id


Revert with version id with custom name

In this example, the editor command helps you go back to version 4. When you use this command, it not only takes you back to how things were in version 4, but it also saves this old version as a new version, called 'Revert to version'. This way, you continue working from the point of version 4, but it's now saved as the latest version.

editor.commands.revertToVersion(4, 'Revert to version')

Revert, name and backup

In this example, when you decide to revert to version 4 of your document, the editor automatically creates two new versions. The first new version captures and saves your document’s state just before the revert, serving as a backup. The second new version restores the document to the state of version 4, allowing you to continue from this older, preferred point as if it’s your new starting point.

editor.commands.revertToVersion(4, 'Revert to version', 'Unversioned changes before revert')

Implementing version previews for your editor

The examples discussed above will directly modify the document and do not provide local-only previews of a version. Therefore, it is necessary to create your own frontend solution for this requirement. You can leverage the stateless messaging system of the TiptapCloudProvider to request a specific version from the server.

Start by attaching a listener to the provider:

// Import the getPreviewContentFromVersionPayload helper function (refer to details below)
import { watchPreviewContent } from '@tiptap-pro/extension-collaboration-history'

// Configure the provider
const provider = new TiptapCollabProvider({ ... })

// use the watchPreviewContent util function to watch for content changes on the provider
const unbindWatchContent = watchPreviewContent(provider, content => {
  // set your editors content

If you want to unbind the watcher, you can call the returned unbindWatchContent function like this:

const unbindWatchContent = watchPreviewContent(provider, (content) => {
  // set your editors content

// unwatch

Following this setup, you can trigger version.preview requests like so:

// Define a function that sends a version.preview request to the provider
const requestVersion = (version) => {
      action: 'version.preview',
      // Include your version number here

// Trigger the request

// This function can then be linked to button clicks or other UI elements to trigger the request

Revert to a version

Upon reverting a version, a new version is generated at the top of the version history. This new version will house the content of the reverted version and will stand as the latest version from which all users will proceed. If there were any unversioned changes before the revert action, an additional version will be created prior to the new one. This additional version will preserve the unaltered changes, thereby ensuring no data is lost.

Note that reverting only affects the default fragment in the ydoc, so while the tiptap content reverts (except if you choose a different field in the TiptapCollabProider), comments will stay.

Utility Functions


This function will turn the payload received from the Collaboration provider into Tiptap JSON content.

payloadThe Hocuspocus payload for the version preview event
fieldThe field you want to parse. Default: default
const myContent = getPreviewContentFromVersionPayload(payload, 'default')


This function will setup a watcher on your Provider that watches the necessary events to react to version content changes. It also returns a new function that can be used to unwatch those events.

providerThe Collaboration provider
callbackThe callback function that is called, the argument is the Tiptap JSON content
fieldThe watched field - defaults to default
const unwatchContent = watchPreviewContent(provider, editor.commands.setContent, 'default')

// unwatch the version preview content

Possible provider payloads

Here is a list of payloads that can be sent or received from the provider:



Request a document revert to a given version with optional title settings.

    action: 'document.revert',
    version: 1,
    currentVersionName: 'Before reverting to version 1',
    newVersionName: 'Revert to version 1',


Creates a new version with an optional title.

  JSON.stringify({ action: 'version.create', name: 'My custom version' }),



This stateless message can be used to retrieve the last saved timestamp.

provider.on('stateless', (data) => {
  const payload = JSON.parse(data.payload)

  if (payload.action === 'saved') {
    const lastSaved = new Date()


This stateless message includes information about newely created versions.

provider.on('stateless', (data) => {
  const payload = JSON.parse(data.payload)

  if (payload.action === 'version.created') {
    const latestVersion = payload.version
    const currentVersion = payload.version


This stateless message includes information about a document revert.

provider.on('stateless', (data) => {
  const payload = JSON.parse(data.payload)

  if (payload.action === 'document.reverted') {
    const currentVersion = payload.version