Runtime configuration

Configure runtime settings in Tiptap Collaboration to manage your collaboration environment directly with a REST API.

Use these settings to modify secrets, webhook URLs, and more, particularly when needing to adapt to changes in your project requirements or security protocols without restarting your application.

Cloud interface

If you integrated a Collaboration cloud application you can manage all of these settings in your cloud account.

Collaboration Settings Overview

Several key settings can be adjusted dynamically:

  • secret: The secret key for JWT tokens, auto-generated upon first launch.
  • api_secret: The secret for API calls, used in the Authorization header and auto-generated at first boot.
  • webhook_url: Optional webhook URL for receiving callbacks.
  • authentication_disabled: Toggle for enabling/disabling authentication (1 for disabled, 0 for enabled, with the default being 0).
  • name: Optional instance name.
  • webhook_version: The webhook version
  • default_auto_versioning: Turn auto versioning on or off by default (1 for enabled, 0 for off).
  • default_auto_versioning_interval: Default versioning interval (default is 30 seconds)
  • webhook_log_errors_only: turn off webhook success logs (from v3.9.8)
  • allowed_origins: If set, this will validate Origin headers from clients to match with one of the provided values (comma separated). Example value:, ; if not set, origin header validation is turned off. (from 3.11.0)

Managing Settings via API

The collaboration platform offers a straightforward API for managing these settings:

Creating or Overwriting Settings

To add or update settings, utilize the following API call:

curl --location --request PUT '' \
--header 'Authorization: YOUR_SECRET_FROM_SETTINGS_AREA'

Replace :key with the setting key you wish to update.

Listing Current Settings

Retrieve a list of all current settings with this API request:

curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: YOUR_SECRET_FROM_SETTINGS_AREA'

Retrieving a Specific Setting

To fetch the value of a particular setting, use:

curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: YOUR_SECRET_FROM_SETTINGS_AREA'

Updating a Specific Setting

Similar to creating settings, updating is done via:

curl --location --request PUT '' \
--header 'Authorization: YOUR_SECRET_FROM_SETTINGS_AREA'

Deleting a Setting

To remove a setting, the following API call is used:

curl --location --request DELETE '' \
--header 'Authorization: YOUR_SECRET_FROM_SETTINGS_AREA'

Server Performance Metrics

Gain insights into server performance and document statistics through the /api/statistics endpoint, providing data on total documents, peak concurrent connections, total connections over the last 30 days, and lifetime connection counts. Review the metrics page for additional information.

curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: YOUR_SECRET_FROM_SETTINGS_AREA'