Comments editor commands

The Comments Editor API focuses on the client-side interactions for managing comments within the editor, enabling direct manipulation and customization of comment threads.

For server-side operations, use the Comments REST API to manage thread and comments outside the editor.

All editor commands for comments

setThreadCreates a new thread with optional user and content data
removeThreadDeletes a specified thread, with an option to remove it from the Yjs document
updateThreadUpdates specific thread properties like 'seen' status
selectThreadFocuses the editor on a specified thread
unselectThreadRemoves focus from the selected thread
resolveThreadMarks a thread as resolved
unresolveThreadReverts a thread from resolved status
createCommentAdds a new comment to a thread with details like content and user data
updateCommentModifies an existing comment's content and metadata
removeCommentDeletes a specified comment from a thread

Interact with threads

setThread( content, data, commentData )

Creates a new thread at your current selection.

  content: 'This is a new thread',
  data: { authorId: '123' },
  commentData: { authorId: '123' },

removeThread( id, deleteThread )

Deletes a thread with the given ID. If no ID is provided, the thread at the current selection will be deleted. If deleteThread is set to true, the thread will also be deleted from the Yjs document.

  id: '101',
  deleteThread: true,

updateThread( id, data )

Updates the properties of a thread with the specified ID.

  id: '101',
  data: { seen: true },

selectThread( id, selectAround )

Selects a thread with the specified ID. If selectAround is set to true, the editor will create a selection range spanning the entire thread.

  id: '101',
  selectAround: true,


Deselects the currently selected thread.


resolveThread( id )

Marks the thread with the specified ID as resolved.

  id: '101',

unresolveThread( id )

Reverts the thread with the specified ID to unresolved status.

  id: '101',

Handle comments

createComment( threadId, content, data )

Creates a new comment on the thread with the specified thread ID.

  threadId: '101',
  content: 'This is a new comment',
  data: { authorId: '123' },

updateComment( threadId, id, content, data )

Updates a comment with the specified ID on the thread identified by a given thread ID.

  threadId: '101',
  id: '456',
  content: 'Now this is the new content',
  data: { edited: true },

removeComment( threadId, id )

Deletes a comment with the specified ID from the thread identified by a given thread ID.

  threadId: '101',
  id: '456',