Custom LLMs


If you want to use a your own backend which provides access to a custom LLM, you can override the the resolver functions defined below on the extension configuration.

Make sure you’re returning the correct type of response and that you handle errors correctly.

🚨 We strongly advise against using e.g. OpenAI directly in your frontend as this will or could result in API token leakage!


In order to use customized resolver functions, you need to install the advanced version of our Tiptap AI extension.

Install the extension

Pro Extension

This extension requires a valid subscription in an eligible plan and access to our private registry, set this up first. You need to be a business customer, to use the advanced extension.

Once done, you can install the extension from our private registry:

npm install @tiptap-pro/extension-ai-advanced

Using both custom LLM and Tiptap AI Cloud

If you want to rely on our cloud in some cases, make sure that you setup your team as described here.

Resolver Functions

You can define custom resolver functions on the extension options. Be aware that they expect the following return types.

Type Method name Return Type
completion aiCompletionResolver Promise<string | null>
streaming aiStreamResolver Promise<ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | null>
image aiImageResolver Promise<string | null>


Override a specific command resolution in completion mode

In this example we want to call our custom backend when the rephrase action/command is called. Everything else should be handled by the default backend in the Tiptap Cloud.

// ...
import Ai from '@tiptap-pro/extension-ai-advanced'
// ...

  appId: 'APP_ID_HERE',
  token: 'TOKEN_HERE',
  // ...
  // Define the resolver function for completions (attention: streaming and image have to be defined separately!)
  aiCompletionResolver: async ({
    action, text, textOptions, extensionOptions, defaultResolver,
  }) => {
    // Check against action, text, whatever you like
    // Decide to use custom endpoint
    if (action === 'rephrase') {
      const response = await fetch('')
      const json = await response?.json()

      if (!response.ok) {
        throw new Error(`${response.status} ${json?.message}`)

      return json?.quote

    // Everything else is routed to the Tiptap AI service
    return defaultResolver({
      action, text, textOptions, extensionOptions,

Register a new AI command and call a custom backend action

In this example, we register a new editor command named aiCustomTextCommand, use the Tiptap runAiTextCommand function to let Tiptap do the rest, and add a custom command resolution to call a custom backend (in completion mode).

// …
import { Ai, runAiTextCommand } from '@tiptap-pro/extension-ai-advanced'
// …

// Declare typings if TypeScript is used:
// declare module '@tiptap/core' {
//   interface Commands<ReturnType> {
//     ai: {
//       aiCustomTextCommand: () => ReturnType,
//     }
//   }
// }

const AiExtended = Ai.extend({
  addCommands() {
    return {

      aiCustomTextCommand: (options = {}) => props => {
        // Do whatever you want; e.g. get the selected text and pass it to the specific command resolution
        return runAiTextCommand(props, 'customCommand', options)

// … this is where you initialize your Tiptap editor instance and register the extended extension

const editor = useEditor({
    extensions: [
        /* … add other extension */
            /* … add configuration here (appId, token etc.) */
            aiCompletionResolver: async ({ action, text, textOptions, extensionOptions, defaultResolver }) => {
                if (action === 'customCommand') {
                    const response = await fetch('')
                    const json = await response?.json()

                    if (!response.ok) {
                    throw new Error(`${response.status} ${json?.message}`)

                    return json?.quote

                return defaultResolver({
                    action, text, textOptions, extensionOptions,
    content: '',

// … use this to run your new command:
// editor.chain().focus().aiCustomTextCommand().run()

Use your custom backend in streaming mode

We’re entirely relying on a custom backend in this example.

Make sure that the function aiStreamResolver returns a ReadableStream<Uint8Array>.

And remember: If you want to use both streaming and the traditional completion mode, you’ll need to define a aiCompletionResolver, too!

// ...
import Ai from '@tiptap-pro/extension-ai-advanced'
// ...

  appId: 'APP_ID_HERE',
  token: 'TOKEN_HERE',
  // ...
  // Define the resolver function for streams
  aiStreamResolver: async ({
    action, text, textOptions, aborter
  }) => {
    const fetchOptions = {
      method: 'POST',
      headers: {
        accept: 'application/json',
        'content-type': 'application/json',
      body: JSON.stringify({
      signal: aborter.signal,

    const response = await fetch(`<YOUR_STREAMED_BACKEND_ENDPOINT>`, fetchOptions)
    const json = await response?.json()

    if (!response.ok) {
      throw new Error(`${json?.error} ${json?.message}`)

    return response?.body