Document conversion API
This feature is currently in beta and available to all users with a Tiptap account.
The document conversion API supports DOCX, ODT, and Markdown conversion from and to Tiptap’s JSON format.
The following demo uses the Document Conversion API by integrating both the import and export extensions into the editor.
Review the postman collection
You can also experiment with the Document Conversion API by heading over to our Postman Collection.
Integrate into the editor
Tiptap offers editor extensions for importing and exporting documents. These extensions provide full access to the Document Conversion API. Instead of using the Document Conversion API directly, you can use Tiptap Editor's import and export extensions:
/import endpoint
The /import
endpoint enables the conversion of docx
, odt
, or markdown
files into Tiptap’s JSON format. Users can POST documents to this endpoint and use various parameters to customize how different document elements are handled during the conversion process.
- Method:
Required headers
Name | Description |
Authorization | The JWT token to authenticate the request. Example: Bearer your-jwt-token |
X-App-Id | The Convert App-ID from the Collaboration settings page: |
Name | Type | Description |
file | File | The file to convert |
imageUploadCallbackUrl | string | The callback endpoint to upload images that were encountered within the uploaded document, see more info |
Query parameters
Specify how source document elements are mapped to ProseMirror nodes or marks, and adjust the conversion to meet your specific styling and structural preferences.
Name | Default | Description |
paragraph | paragraph | Defines which prosemirror type is used for paragraph conversion |
heading | heading | Defines which prosemirror type is used for heading conversion |
blockquote | blockquote | Defines which prosemirror type is used for blockquote conversion |
codeblock | codeblock | Defines which prosemirror type is used for codeblock conversion |
bulletlist | bulletlist | Defines which prosemirror type is used for bulletList conversion |
orderedlist | orderedlist | Defines which prosemirror type is used for orderedList conversion |
listitem | listitem | Defines which prosemirror type is used for listItem conversion |
hardbreak | hardbreak | Defines which prosemirror type is used for hardbreak conversion |
horizontalrule | horizontalrule | Defines which prosemirror type is used for horizontalRule conversion |
table | table | Defines which prosemirror type is used for table conversion |
tablecell | tablecell | Defines which prosemirror type is used for tableCell conversion |
tableheader | tableheader | Defines which prosemirror type is used for tableHeader conversion |
tablerow | tablerow | Defines which prosemirror type is used for tableRow conversion |
bold | bold | Defines which prosemirror mark is used for bold conversion |
italic | italic | Defines which prosemirror mark is used for italic conversion |
underline | underline | Defines which prosemirror mark is used for underline conversion |
strikethrough | strike | Defines which prosemirror mark is used for strikethrough conversion |
link | link | Defines which prosemirror mark is used for link conversion |
code | code | Defines which prosemirror mark is used for code conversion |
image | image | Defines which prosemirror mark is used for image conversion |
/import-docx endpoint (experimental)
The /import-docx
endpoint enables the conversion of docx files into Tiptap's JSON format and allows for more docx-specific functions than the /import endpoint. Users can POST documents to this endpoint and use various parameters to customize how different document elements are handled during the conversion process.
- Method:
This feature is currently in alpha and available to all users with a Tiptap account. Consider this endpoint experimental and subject to change.
Required headers
Name | Description |
Authorization | The JWT token to authenticate the request. Example: Bearer your-jwt-token |
X-App-Id | The Convert App-ID from the Collaboration settings page: |
Name | Type | Description |
file | File | The file to convert |
imageUploadCallbackUrl | string | The callback endpoint to upload images that were encountered within the uploaded document, see more info |
Query parameters
Specify how source document elements are mapped to ProseMirror nodes or marks, and adjust the conversion to meet your specific styling and structural preferences.
Name | Default | Description |
paragraph | paragraph | Defines which prosemirror type is used for paragraph conversion |
heading | heading | Defines which prosemirror type is used for heading conversion |
blockquote | blockquote | Defines which prosemirror type is used for blockquote conversion |
codeblock | codeblock | Defines which prosemirror type is used for codeblock conversion |
bulletlist | bulletlist | Defines which prosemirror type is used for bulletList conversion |
orderedlist | orderedlist | Defines which prosemirror type is used for orderedList conversion |
listitem | listitem | Defines which prosemirror type is used for listItem conversion |
hardbreak | hardbreak | Defines which prosemirror type is used for hardbreak conversion |
horizontalrule | horizontalrule | Defines which prosemirror type is used for horizontalRule conversion |
table | table | Defines which prosemirror type is used for table conversion |
tablecell | tablecell | Defines which prosemirror type is used for tableCell conversion |
tableheader | tableheader | Defines which prosemirror type is used for tableHeader conversion |
tablerow | tablerow | Defines which prosemirror type is used for tableRow conversion |
bold | bold | Defines which prosemirror mark is used for bold conversion |
italic | italic | Defines which prosemirror mark is used for italic conversion |
underline | underline | Defines which prosemirror mark is used for underline conversion |
strikethrough | strike | Defines which prosemirror mark is used for strikethrough conversion |
link | link | Defines which prosemirror mark is used for link conversion |
code | code | Defines which prosemirror mark is used for code conversion |
image | image | Defines which prosemirror mark is used for image conversion |
/export endpoint
The /export
endpoint converts Tiptap documents back into formats like docx
, odt
, or markdown
- Method:
Convert a Tiptap document to a different format.
Required headers
Name | Description |
Authorization | The JWT token to authenticate the request. Example: Bearer your-jwt-token |
X-App-Id | The Convert App-ID from the Collaboration settings page: |
Name | Type | Description |
content | Object | The Tiptap document |
format | string | The format to convert to, can be docx , odt or markdown |
Query parameters
Name | Default | Description |
gfm | 0 | Use Github Flavored Markdown for markdown export |
paragraph | paragraph | Defines which prosemirror type is used for paragraph conversion |
heading | heading | Defines which prosemirror type is used for heading conversion |
blockquote | blockquote | Defines which prosemirror type is used for blockquote conversion |
codeblock | codeblock | Defines which prosemirror type is used for codeblock conversion |
bulletlist | bulletlist | Defines which prosemirror type is used for bulletList conversion |
orderedlist | orderedlist | Defines which prosemirror type is used for orderedList conversion |
listitem | listitem | Defines which prosemirror type is used for listItem conversion |
hardbreak | hardbreak | Defines which prosemirror type is used for hardbreak conversion |
horizontalrule | horizontalrule | Defines which prosemirror type is used for horizontalRule conversion |
table | table | Defines which prosemirror type is used for table conversion |
tablecell | tablecell | Defines which prosemirror type is used for tableCell conversion |
tableheader | tableheader | Defines which prosemirror type is used for tableHeader conversion |
tablerow | tablerow | Defines which prosemirror type is used for tableRow conversion |
bold | bold | Defines which prosemirror mark is used for bold conversion |
italic | italic | Defines which prosemirror mark is used for italic conversion |
underline | underline | Defines which prosemirror mark is used for underline conversion |
strikethrough | strike | Defines which prosemirror mark is used for strikethrough conversion |
link | link | Defines which prosemirror mark is used for link conversion |
code | code | Defines which prosemirror mark is used for code conversion |
Image Uploading
Tiptap does not provide an image upload service. You will need to implement your own server to handle image uploads.
When converting documents, some formats may include images that you may want to preserve in the converted document. To do this, you can provide the optional imageUploadCallbackUrl
parameter in the request body. This parameter should be a URL that the Convert service can use to upload images found in the document.
The Convert service will make a POST
request to the provided URL with the image file as the request body. The response should be a JSON object with a url
key containing the URL where the image was uploaded.
- The image upload callback URL should be a publicly accessible endpoint.
- The image upload callback URL should return a JSON object with a
key containing the URL where the image was uploaded. - You can use any callback URL, so if you want to limit uploads, you can provide a URL that includes an API key or other authentication method.
- The URL you provide, will be written into the document as the image source, so make sure it is accessible to anyone who will view the document.
Server Implementation Example
This example shows a simple server implementation that accepts image uploads & uploads them to an S3 bucket configured by environment variables.
import { serve } from '@hono/node-server'
import { Hono } from 'hono'
import { Upload } from '@aws-sdk/lib-storage'
import { S3Client } from '@aws-sdk/client-s3'
const {
PORT = '3011',
} = process.env
console.error('Please provide AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, and AWS_S3_BUCKET')
const s3 = new S3Client({
credentials: {
region: AWS_REGION,
endpoint: AWS_ENDPOINT,
forcePathStyle: AWS_FORCE_STYLE === 'true',
const app = new Hono() as Hono<any>'/upload', async (c) => {
const body = await c.req.parseBody()
const file = body['file']
if (!file || typeof file === 'string') {
return c.json({ error: 'No file uploaded' }, 400)
try {
const data = await new Upload({
client: s3,
params: {
Bucket: AWS_S3_BUCKET,
// is just current timestamp & file extension
Body: file,
ContentType: file.type,
return c.json({ url: data.Location })
} catch (error) {
return c.json({ error: 'Failed to upload file' }, 500)
fetch: app.fetch,
port: Number(PORT) || 3000,
Here is another implementation using bun with no dependencies:
const s3Client = new Bun.S3Client({
accessKeyId: process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
secretAccessKey: process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY,
region: process.env.AWS_REGION,
bucket: process.env.AWS_BUCKET,
endpoint: process.env.AWS_ENDPOINT,
port: 8081,
async fetch(req) {
const url = new URL(req.url)
// Handle file uploads on the /upload endpoint
if (url.pathname === '/upload') {
const formdata = await req.formData()
const file = formdata.get('file')
if (!file || typeof file === 'string') {
return new Response(JSON.stringify({ error: 'No file uploaded' }), {
status: 400,
headers: {
'content-type': 'application/json',
try {
// The file already has a name and type, so we can use it directly
const s3File = s3Client.file(, { type: file.type })
// Write the file to S3
await s3File.write(file)
return new Response(
// Send the URL of the uploaded file back to the client to insert it into the editor
url: new Response(s3File).headers.get('location'),
headers: {
'content-type': 'application/json',
} catch (error) {
return new Response(
error: error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Failed to upload file',
status: 500,
headers: {
'content-type': 'application/json',
return new Response(JSON.stringify({ error: 'Not found' }), {
status: 404,